Responsibilities and duties of the head of the department


1) To distribute responsibilities according to the qualifications of the employees

2) To determine the purpose of the department

3) To determine the main functions of the department

4) Make a suitable organogram

5) To form efficient and effective staff for the department

6) Inform the staff about the management and the expectations of the department

6) To define the duties and responsibilities of everyone and to make them aware of their responsibilities

6) To ensure the facilities of the workers according to the labor law

9) To increase the efficiency of the staff through necessary training

10) To plan the success of potential and skilled workers

11) To ensure that all employees follow the approved policies and procedures of the company

12) Control expenditure by ensuring good use of human resources and material editor

13. To formulate future action plan of the department and be ready to face possible challenges

14) Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the department and overcome various obstacles by making good use of the existing facilities.

15) To make the progress of all the work effective at the right time and to supervise and monitor

18) Maintain proper communication and good relations with other departments

16. To show enough patience to deal with any kind of problem

16) To show skill in decision making

19. Encourage subordinates if they are able to deal with potential challenges

20. Humility and humility are the wind